Monday March 18, 2013

After three months of hacking, I’m proud to announce a new Riak Scala client library based on Akka and Spray and simply called riak-scala-client. It aims to be easy to use, non-blocking, and fast, in that order.

This is the first public release but I’ve been testing it on a large project since January and it was time to let other people kick the tires and tell me what I did wrong (or right).

The client is purely based on the Riak http API and currently it supports the following Riak features:

  • Fetch
  • Store
  • Delete
  • Secondary Indexes (2i)
  • Getting/setting bucket properties
  • ping

Other features include:

  • Completely non-blocking thanks to Scala 2.10 Futures, Akka, and Spray
  • Transparent integration with Akka projects through an Akka extension
  • An untyped RiakValue class for interacting with raw Riak values and their associated meta data (vclock, etag, content type, last modified time, indexes, etc.)
  • A typed RiakMeta\[T\] class for interacting with deserialized values while retaining their associated meta data (vclock, etag, content type, last modified time, indexes, etc.)
  • Customizable conflict resolution on all fetches (and stores when returnbody=true)
  • Automatic (de)serialization of Scala (case) classes using type classes
  • Builtin default spray-json (de)serializers
  • Customizable indexing of Scala (case) classes using type classes
  • Auto-retry of fetches and stores (a standard feature of the underlying spray-client library)

Missing features such as link walking and Map-Reduce will be implemented as soon as possible.

Check it out at: